Wednesday, April 22, 2009

UBLA receives new members, debate constitutional change

The sixth assembly and congress of the Union of Baptists in Latin America (UBLA) opened in Lima, Peru, on the morning of Wednesday, April 22, with the attendance of 64 voting delegates and scores of other Baptists from more than 15 countries.

Led by Raquel Contreras of Chile, UBLA president and a vice president of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), a first order of business was the acceptance of three new members into UBLA, which is one of six regional fellowships of the BWA. Those voted as new members were the Association of Baptists of Argentina, the Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba, and the Baptists United in Christ in Paraguay.

Attending the UBLA assembly and congress are BWA president David Coffey, General Secretary Neville Callam, and Fausto Vasconcelos , BWA director of Evangelism & Education and Study & Research, who is Brazilian.

Among the major decisions expected during the meetings, held April 22-25, is a vote on a revised constitution, including broadening UBLA membership to other countries outside of Central and South America, based on cultural and language affinity, rather than only on geographical location.

The UBLA assembly and congress is normally held once every three years, but the last was held in Cali, Columbia, in 2004.